Tuesday 17 January 2017


                                                                                                                                  Date- 18|01|2017
     This article is all about the analysis of Chittara symbols and motifs. I had a talk with a museum official, he was able to infer some subtle meaning of the Chittara painting.

    Yaileyh ( symbolizes subtle Attraction/ Intimate Relation ship)

        These are vertical or horizontal "lines" in Chittara painting. Without these lines, the paintings can not be started. The lines mean subtle attraction between two individuals. The attraction is due to to the feeling between each other. For instance, the feeling of a mother would have towards her children, the feelings between married couples, the feeling between of losing someones (memories linger) etc. These feelings are to be experienced than expressing it through mere words, for they would lose beauty of it.
       When a wedding takes place, none of host family members would draw Chittara but their relatives, friends etc would do it for them because of the attraction aroused in the feelings between te individuals for a better compatibility.

Nilee & Nillee Kochu ( symbol of strength)


                                                                 Nilee Kcochu


   In the ancient days, men used bamboos for shelter. To protect himself from being attacked by animals and from extremes climatic conditions, he built the house with the help of the bamboos. Initially, these bamboos were laid diagonally on the roof. But when it no longer could withstand the strong winds, he plastered the bamboos with mud. And further to reinforce the bamboos laid, he placed another set of bamboos diagonally in the opposite direction and this represents Nilee Kochu. This symbol implies the strength of teamwork and goes with the popular proverb
“unity is strength

Bhasinga ( Symbol of Divinity)


             This is tied around the Pehta worn by the bridegroom during the wedding. As it symbolizes divinity, when it is worn by the bridegroom, he is considered equal to a god and is considered divine. This implies that the bridegroom along with the bride is equivalent to God and the practices held during the wedding are to be done meticulously and with utmost reverence.

There are more motifs and symbols, will be published on next articles....



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