Friday 27 January 2017

motif analysis


 Aarey Poopalee (Symbol of help)

        This is another art of interesting layers used by building a house. Besides the personal space created by man, He also created small space using this art of layers. This was to give hospitality to the birds and insects such as Peeti aka Pathanga. This implies not to be selfish and self centered but to lend out one's helping hand to the needy and the helpless.

Peeti/ Pathanga (symbol of guest)

      This is a butterfly. Deewarufolks have a strong association with it leads to the creation of the butterfly and other insects, birds and animals.

Kholhee (Symbolizes time & Economic growth)

         In those days, rooster/hen played a very prominent role to the Deewaru folks serving many purpose. Due to the death of cocks, Hen was the indicator of the time. The sitting of the drawn was marked by the sound of the bird. And they were also used to serve the guests as an item of food, , selling the eggs and roster itself, in exchange of some money.

 Yayni ( Symbol of support & awerness )

          This depicted that the married couple clime the ladder of life with complete awerness for a better future and also indicaed the importence of support.

Madhumanga & Madhnageethi (Symbol of Eternal bonding)

    This is the concept of chittara painting is based on Bride with bridegroom, an epitom of unconditional love.

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