Wednesday 8 February 2017

motif analysis

Chittara folk art of Karnataka

Muley Aarthi (Symbol of Light)

Light played a significant role in their lives. It was used for purposes such as worship, cooking, bathing and for survival against darkness. This implied that light is the source of life, which dispels the darkness of ignorance and leads to the path of knowledge.

Muthina Bhatoo ( Symbol of Feminity)

This is a farming tool that is used to remove a particular kind of grass at the time of cultivation. It implies use of certain specific recommended techniques to combat certain problems.

Yelaki Goney

This is a type of Banana grown in the malnad region.

Basavana Pada (Symbol of Worship)

This is a symbol of holy feet drawn in front of the cowshed during the worship of the oxen. And, those who did not have Basava/Bull at their home; they used to draw the feet of Basava, imagine the presence of it through the symbol as such and worship them. This implies a form of worship followed in Hindu culture. Besides Basava, the ox per se holds a great significance in the lives of Deewaru community folks.

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