Wednesday 8 February 2017

motif analysis

Chittara folk art of Karnataka

Hulina Oreyh (Symbol of Opportunity)

It's a sort of grass that has been cut, dried and put away for utilization as cattle grub. This implies a famous saying, “make hay while the sun shines”.

Marah (Symbol of Nature)

The Deewaru community folks are nature lovers and the same was expressed by including them in Chittara. It implies the importance of tress in preserving the Mother Nature for our existence.

Vanki (Symbol of Cure)

It means Tulasi plant. Besides the religious significance, it implied on the importance of having the plant at our homes for medicinal purposes too.

Kouli Matti (Symbol of Decoration)

    This implied a kind of tree that bears kouli fruits. The importance of this was used mainly for decoration and cooking (was used as a substitute against lemon to add the flavor of sour) purposes only. It implies to have an aesthetic appeal in whatever we do

Vasthra (Symbol of Coverage)

    It’s a cloth that was used to wrap objects in the absence of boxes those days and also the clothes given to the wedding couple. It implies the importance of clothing to protect ourselves against shame & adverse climatic conditions during winter.

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